It's here
Ever since I saw that you said "will come two month's later" I kept checking like 5 times a day ever since august 4th. I've had a REALLY long day today and never had a chance to look online until....12:44 at night.....didn't expect to see it but decided it wouldn't hurt.
My happiness went through the roof and I immediately clicked it and snapped on my Bose headphones to get ready for another awesome video by amalloc. I started to prepare my self for a good nights rest after seeing another of my absolute FAV series on Newgrounds. The start button came on...I clicked it....and ...I could already tell something was different in this clip.
The graffiti and rocks made my heart stop. I came in unprepared for this, I know I saw the rock in step 3 but I didn't expect the 180 degree turn around. The more I kept watching the more I started to tear up, and the more I was desperately trying to see a "happily ever after". All I saw was an emotionless Nabi and a completely heartbroken Doki. A war brewing between the extremist, and my heart wrenching.
You've touched the soul, and you have done an excellent job at showing your point. You've really toyed with my emotions and now I don't think going to bed will be so easy. Thanks a lot I start my first college class tomorrow (technically today lol)
I really don't know If I want step 4 to come out ASAP or for you to take your time and let my emotions calm down. I can't express enough in words how great your video truly is. Keep up the good work. You are a huge inspiration to me as an animator and a story teller. It truly is an amazing series.
nuff said, peace out brother :)